Press release from the Mayor’s Office of the City of Blue Island:
A crowd of more than 200 gathered for the City of Blue Island’s MetroSouth Summit, held earlier today at the City Hall East Annex. Hosted by Blue Island Mayor Domingo Vargas and staff, the Summit featured facilitators from the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association and the City of Blue Island, who helped guide breakout discussions with First Responders, Medical Professionals, and Community Leaders about the impacts of the hospital’s announced intent to close, the resources needed to properly address those impacts, and the opportunities that exist to mitigate the impacts and provide ongoing healthcare for the community.
Representatives from the medical staff at MetroSouth provided data on the drive times to the nearest hospitals, the services provided at each, and the percentage of time those locations are on bypass or surge capacity.
Community Leaders echoed the impacts of the First Responders and Medical Professionals and discussed the necessity to retain time-critical care – for heart attacks, strokes, and high-risk pregnancies – along with jobs and dollars, in Blue Island, including the possibility of multiple providers.
A full report from the MetroSouth Summit will be presented at the public hearing with the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board, scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on July 24 at St. Benedict Church located at 2339 York St., Blue Island. Mayor Vargas and State Representative Rita urged attendees to spread the word about the public hearing and petitions, and to sign up to speak at the public hearing.
Those interested in speaking on the importance of the hospital facility should email with the subject line: “HOSPITAL,” and include their name, email, phone number, and the subject of their testimony. Read more. Please share the Save Our Hospital flyer. A link to sign the the petition is here.
Related stories include: Blue Island hospital’s possible closure alarms first responders, in the Tribune/Daily Southtown, and MetroSouth Summit puts focus on public hearing, in the Beverly Review.