From left, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director Marc Miller; John Wilson, of the Lan-Oak Park District; Chicago Southland CVB Board Chairperson Vicky Smith; Diane Banta, of the National Park Service; Chicago Southland Director of Sales Mary Patchin and President/CEO Jim Garrett pose Wednesday for a photo during the Chicago Southland CVB annual meeting and awards luncheon at the Homewood Suites in Orland Park. Wilson and Banta received an Award of Merit for their dedication to building trails that connect our communities and for their work on the Mid America Trails & Greenways Conference. Photo courtesy of the Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors Bureau held its annual meeting and awards luncheon Wednesday at the Homewood Suites by Hilton’s Elements Conference Center.
The Southland CVB represents 62 south and southwest suburbs and its members are comprised of local government and business leaders.
Southland CVB President and CEO Jim Garrett opened the luncheon speaking of “building for tomorrow.”