The Census is coming. Now is the time to prepare. The 2020 Census: Municipal Ideas Exchange hopes to facilitate the necessary conversation on all things decennial for local government leaders, municipalities and CCC members. The Exchange will educate on the importance of a complete, accurate and equitable count as well as give specific steps that can be taken through your Complete Count Committees to reach your hardest-to-count residents. The Exchange will also give municipalities guidance on how to best partner with trusted messenger’s, like the public library and various community organizations. The convening partners will include:
United State Census Bureau Forefront -IL Count Me In 2020 CMAP Census Front Line Organizations
DATE: 12/9/2019 TIME: 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. LOCATION: Prairie State College 202 S Halsted St, Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Conference Center
For registration information please visit the link below. CONTACT: LaTiyfa Fields, Housing & Community Fellow Metropolitan Mayors Caucus 312-386-8687,