From the Cook County Department of Public Health; please share with your communities:
• Are you pregnant, or do you have children under the age of 6? • Do you live in Blue Island, Calumet City, Calumet Park, Dolton, Riverdale or Robbins? • Was your home built before 1978? • Find and Fix Lead Paint Hazards – for free!
The Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are working together to inspect homes and fix lead paint hazards in homes in your area.
A family may qualify for this program if their income is below the program limit and if lead hazards are found in the home. If lead hazards are found, CCDPH will work with a licensed contractor to fix the hazards, at no cost to you. Work that is typically done to fix lead hazards includes painting, replacing windows, or other home repair work to remove lead paint. Enroll today to have lead paint hazards removed from your home and protect your family. Read more here. Flyers are available to share with your communities in both English and Spanish.
For questions or more information, call Neighborhood Housing Services at 773-329-4146, if you live in Blue Island, Calumet City, Calumet Park, Dolton, Riverdale, Robbins or Summit.