From NARC, the National Association of Regional Councils:
NARC, the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) and the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) sent a letter dated May 7 to the House and Senate leadership regarding the next round of COVID-19 funding, which is expected to be released this week in the House. The letter requests:
$20 billion in funding through the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP).
That all of these funds act as suballocated STBGP funding (to be distributed by population)
That the eligible uses of these funds be expanded so this funding can be used as the nonfederal match for any project under Title 23 (Highways) and Title 49 (public transportation). This allows these funds to be used to backstop local funding and allow projects to proceed even if local funds are not available.
SSMMA supports these requests and is reaching out to members of Congress and other Hill contacts to encourage them to consider pushing for its inclusion.