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South Halsted Bus Corridor Enhancement Project final report released

From the South Halsted Bus Corridor Enhancement Project Corridor Advisory Group:

The South Halsted Bus Corridor Enhancement Project was initiated by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) in partnership with Pace Suburban Bus to improve transit along approximately 11 miles of South Halsted Street, from the Pace Harvey Transportation Center to 79th Street. The corridor also includes segments of 79th and 95th Streets that provide connections to the CTA Red Line 79th and 95th Street Stations.

The project team has refined the recommended improvements, progressed the project’s next steps, and developed the final report for this project phase. The report can be found on the project website.

Proposed Improvement Highlights include:

  1. Transit signal priority (TSP) and signal optimization

  2. Bus queue jumps

  3. Bus lanes

  4. Station improvements

  5. Limited stop service

CTA and Pace have recently begun the environmental review and design engineering phase of the project. This includes traffic impact analyses, advanced conceptual design and engineering for station locations and other proposed improvements, as well as a review of potential environmental impacts in accordance with federal regulations and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This next phase will also include two CAG meetings and three public meetings to further refine station locations/designs and associated roadway and transit improvements.

If you have additional comments or questions, please contact

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