[At a recent “community conversation,” held at South Suburban College, Cook County Board President Toni] Preckwinkle representatives asked people around the table about their concerns and took note of their responses.
“Our taxes are too high,” Lynwood Mayor Eugene Williams said.
Other municipal officials said they have trouble attracting businesses to their communities. Companies considering southern Cook County often find the business climate more attractive in northwest Indiana or Will County, they said. Economic incentives are helpful, but the Southland needs more help because tax rates here are higher than in other parts of the county.
“It’s not fair or equitable across the county,” said Kristi DeLaurentiis, executive director of the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association…Please click here to read Ted Slowik’s column in the Tribune/Daily Southtown.
If you have any additional feedback that you would like to share about the action steps Cook County should include in its strategic plan, please complete the community survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CDNBJJ2. They will also regularly update the Policy Roadmap page of their county website here: https://www.cookcountyil.gov/service/policy-roadmap.