SSMMA distributes federal STP funds and offers technical assistance to member communities to increase and improve transportation options for all users, and to enhance livability and sustainability throughout the
South Suburbs.
Distributing STP funds to member communities via the Transportation Committee
Providing recommendations and best practices related to walking, non-motorized transit and integrated multimodal transportation.
Adressing inequities in transit and job access in the South Suburbs, part of Cook County's 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan.
Analyzing industrial sites in Chicago Heights, Ford Heights, and Sauk Village for rail-dependent business development.
RFQ - Calumet Triangle Area Planning Study
URGENT: IDOT 2021 SRTS Applications
The Illinois Department of Transportation Announces Improvement Projects
Illinois Department of Transportation Requests Reporting of Safety Issues
RFQ - Obama Dr. (127th St.) (Division St. to Carpenter St.) Road Modernization
RFQ - Marshfield Avenue (119th Street to 123rd Street) Road Modernization